Kamis, 22 September 2011

My son keeps waking up at night

My son keeps waking up at night

Although we perceive sleep as a continuous process, it is technically not corret. Sleep is broadly divided inti two main periods: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) slepp,which is also called active sleep, and non-REM sleep, also called quiet sleep.
        REM sleep is characterised  by rapid eye movement, motor movement, vocalisation, dreaming and easy awakening. This is the most common cause of perceived awakening, altough most children are actually not awake and to back to sleep on their own. It is a problem only if the child cries or is unble to get back to sleep without his parents’ help.
        The other common couse of night-time awakenings is stress of moving into a new accommodation,loss of a loved one or separation from the caragiver.
         Occasionally, nightmares and night terrors also cause awakening. A child who suffers from night terror is extremely frightened and agitated and although he appears awake, he is actually in deep sleep.
        Most of the cause cited above do not require any apecific treatment. In fact, paernts should remain calm if the child goes back to sleep on his own. Once the caregiver starts helping the child to go back to sleep, a cycle will be set up and the child will then refuse to sleep on his own.

Nama kelompok : 
indah l juniati
iin fitriyani
intan septiriani
mega siti hartini 

kelas : x.2

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