Behind the beauty of the edelweiss flower was saved a myth, in which those who give flowers to their partners, then his love will be eternal. Not a few of the perennial flower lovers who make this into one of the special prize for his partner. That said, it is intended to eternal love.
Mmm .., when talking about the myth is difficult, although sometimes it does not make sense. But on the other hand, when the position we have become a victim, just the opposite, "Myth able to beat a logic and belief". Not believe it? Just ask all your friends about this. Or maybe among you has its own story about this myth.
Who dont know edelweiss flower, or a lot of people who give the term with perennial flowers. Judging from the shape of this flower is very beautiful, and beauty behind it is stored or the meaning of the myth that pretty much believe it. It took the fight to get it, because this one flower usually grows on the tops or mountain slopes.
Therefore you can imagine how difficult it is to be able to pluck the flowers of this perennial. People say, "To get a beautiful flower edelweiss, the greater the risk faced", because life is a challenge. Given that the edelweiss flower has become a rare and protected flowers, raids also one of the risk to be borne.
But .., the phenomena that exist right now it requires us to be wise and make the common thread that edelweiss flower may persist as the release thirst if ever a time we stood on a high peak, where around us is this perennial flower beds. Save Edelweis!
So, if your girlfriend asks, "Why do you (suddenly) do not like edelweiss flower? Is not that perennial flowers that can make our love eternal as the flower edelweiss ". Find another reason alone,, maybe you can say, "Flower's too good for me ..", "I can not bear to see it, because this flower is only peaks and valleys in the mountains to be beautiful ..", or, "Our love will be more beautiful and perennial flowers if you give the bank .. ". For those who believe that the edelweiss flower can make your love eternal, it would be wise if you just let it grow and perennial flowers fit into place.
You will never find lasting love (of a flower immortal), but it was true love (also not from a flower Edelweis). And you just will not get both if you do not believe that what you feel
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