Insight archipelago is a perspective and attitude of the Indonesian people about yourself and form of geography based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. In its implementation, insight archipelago prioritizing territorial integrity and respect for diversity to achieve national objectives.
Philosophy of Pancasila
Pancasila values underlying the development of national horizons. Those values are:
Philosophy of Pancasila
Pancasila values underlying the development of national horizons. Those values are:
- Application of Human Rights (HAM), such as giving the opportunity to practice in accordance with their respective religion.
- The public interest rather than individuals and groups.
- Decision-making based on deliberation and consensus.
Territorial aspects of the archipelago
The influence of geography is a phenomenon that needs to be taken into account, because Indonesia is rich in a variety of Natural Resources (SDA) and the tribes.
Socio-cultural aspects
Indonesia consists of hundreds of tribes, each of which has a customs, languages, religions, and beliefs are different - different, so the procedures relating to national life Intergroup interactions contain a large potential for conflicts on a variety of diverse cultures.
Aspects of the history
Indonesia colored by the historical experience that does not want a repeat of the split within the nation of Indonesia. This is because the independence that has been achieved by the Indonesian nation is the result of a spirit of unity and the unity of the Indonesian nation itself is very high. So, this spirit must be maintained for national unity and keep the unity of Indonesia.
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Overview of the contents of the Declaration of Djuanda |
- Insight into the archipelago as a national security conception, namely the concept of insight into the archipelago made in national development, defense and security, and territorial.
- Insight archipelago as insight into the development to cover the political unity, economic unity, social cohesion and economic, social and political unity, and unity of defense and security.
- Insight archipelago as insight defense and security of the state is a geopolitical view of the scope of homeland Indonesia Indonesia as a whole covering all regions and all state power.
- Insight into the archipelago as a regional insight, so that function in the state restrictions, in order to avoid disputes with neighboring countries. Limitations and challenges of the Republic of Indonesia is :
- Minutes of the hearing BPUPKI May 29-June 1, 1945 of the Republic of Indonesia of some of the opinions of national fighters. Dr. Soepomo declared Indonesia include limits to the Dutch East Indies, Muh. Yamin said Indonesia include Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda, Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas, Ambon, the Malay Peninsula, East Timor, Papua, Ir. Sukarno declared that the islands of Indonesia is a unity that can not be separated.
- Ordinance (Dutch Law) 1939, namely the determination of the ocean along the 3-mile wide sea by pulling on the baseline under the water line of tidal or countour island / land. This provision makes Indonesia rather than as a unitary state, because in each there is a high seas marine areas beyond national jurisdiction.
- Juanda Declaration, December 13, 1957 is the announcement of the government of Indonesia concerning the territorial waters of the state of RI, which read :
- How to withdrawal limit of the territorial sea is no longer on line tidal (low water line), but the system is drawing a straight line (straight base line) is measured from the line connecting the point - the point that the outermost edge of the islands included in the RI area.
- Determination of the width of the sea from 3 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles.
- Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as a regime of international law, which limits the archipelago 200 miles measured from baselines territorial sea of Indonesia. With the Declaration Juanda, formal judicial, Indonesia become whole and not split anymore.
Objectives insight archipelago consists of two, that is :
Objectives insight archipelago consists of two, that is :
- National objectives, can be seen in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, explained that the purpose of Indonesian independence is "to protect the whole Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia and to realize common prosperity, the nation's intellectual life, and participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom of lasting peace and social justice ".
- The goal is to bring unity into all aspects of both natural and social life, it can be concluded that the goal of the Indonesian nation is to uphold national interests and the interests of the region to organize and foster prosperity, peace and nobility and human dignity around the world.
Political life
There are several things to consider in implementing insight into the archipelago, namely:
- Implementation of political life set out in legislation, such as the Political Party Law, Electoral Law and Presidential Elections Act. Implementation of these laws should be within the law and the importance of unity of the nation. Examples as in the presidential election, members of Parliament, and regional heads should follow the principle of democracy and justice, so as not to destroy the unity of the nation.
- Implementation of community life and nation in Indonesia should be conformed to the applicable law. The entire Indonesian nation must have the same legal basis for every citizen, without exception. In Indonesia there are many legal products that can be issued by the provinces and districts in the form of local regulation (perda) that does not conflict with the applicable national law.
- Develop an attitude of human rights and pluralism attitude to unite the various ethnic, religious and linguistic yamg different, so grow tolerance.
- Strengthen political commitment towards political parties and government agencies to boost the national spirit and unity.
- Increasing the role of Indonesia in the international arena and strengthen the diplomatic corps sa guard efforts in Indonesia, especially the outer islands and the island is empty.
Economic life
- The archipelago has a high economic potential, such as the position of the equator, the vast sea areas, tropical forests are large, the results of a large mining and oil, as well as residents to own in large enough quantities. Therefore, the implementation of economic life must be oriented to the government sector, agriculture, and industry.
- Economic development must pay attention to fairness and balance among regions. Therefore, with the regional autonomy in an effort to create economic justice.
- Economic development must involve the participation of the people, such as by providing micro credit facilities in the development of small businesses.
Social life
Some things to consider in social life, that is :
Some things to consider in social life, that is :
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Pendet from Bali Indonesia is a culture that must be preserved as the implementation of social life |
- Develop a harmonious life of the nation between different communities, in terms of cultural, social status, and local levels. For example the distribution of education in all areas and compulsory education should be prioritized for disadvantaged areas.
- Development of Indonesian culture, to preserve the wealth of Indonesia, and can be used as tourism activities that provide national and local revenue sources. For example with the preservation of culture, the development of museums, and cultural heritage.
Defense and security of life
Some things to consider in defense of life and security, that is:
Some things to consider in defense of life and security, that is:
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Build TNI Professional is an implementation in the life of the security defenses |
- Defense and security-building activities should provide opportunities for every citizen to take an active role, because such is the duty of every citizen, such as maintaining the neighborhood, improve discipline, reporting things that disturb the security apparatus and military learning.
- Building a sense of unity, so the threat of a region or island is also a threat to other areas. This sense of unity can be created by building solidarity and close relations between citizens of different areas with security forces.
- Build a professional military and providing adequate facilities and infrastructure for securing parts of Indonesia, especially the islands and outermost regions of Indonesia.
Article posted by :
Name : Triaji Wibisana
Class : X.3
SMAN 2 Cikarang Utara
NB :
I posted an article that is still far from a perfect name, but as a human being I've tried. For more details about this article please visit the website Wikipedia
Although this is far from perfect , still it is really something good to read. Hoped, your friends and you like to read it. Although this is still too long to read.
BalasHapusBut anyway,..thousands of thanks