Bella Swan has just moved from Phoenix, Arizona the majority of hot bercuaca to Forks, Washington the majority of the rainy weather to stay with her father, Charlie, after his mother, Renée, was married and lived with her new husband, Phil, a baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finally drawn to a mysterious, handsome young man, who is a biology classmate, Edward Cullen, who turns out to be a vegetarian vampire (vampires drinking the blood of animals, not humans). Edward has the ability as well as the other vampires (strong, fast, when exposed to direct sun shining and the body at any given moment can change the color of his eyes) besides Edward also has a talent to be able to read people's minds lain.tapi he could not read minds bella . At first, Edward tried to stay away from Bella because Edward always feel tempted if the smell of Bella's blood. However, over time, Edward finally able to overcome these problems and then they fell in love with each other, which makes the school to talk about them. At one point, Bella Cullen family are invited to look at playing baseball. Unexpectedly, suddenly there came a group of nomadic vampires who consist of James (vampire with a flair track), Victoria (the vampire with the instinct to flee incredible great and is a partner of James), and Laurent. I met with Bella, James has begun to Bella's blood. All family members unite to save Bella Cullen. Bella escaped to Phoenix, Arizona with Alice (the vampire with a talent to see the future) and Jasper (the vampire with a flair and control the feelings surrounding a pair of Alice). When fled to Phoenix, Bella was framed by James. Fortunately, Edward and his family soon realizes the loss of Bella and immediately went to go save Bella. Edward arrived just in time and managed to save Bella, after which they immediately return to Forks and attend school prom be held by them.
Bella Swan has just moved from Phoenix, Arizona the majority of hot bercuaca to Forks, Washington the majority of the rainy weather to stay with her father, Charlie, after his mother, Renée, was married and lived with her new husband, Phil, a baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finally drawn to a mysterious, handsome young man, who is a biology classmate, Edward Cullen, who turns out to be a vegetarian vampire (vampires drinking the blood of animals, not humans). Edward has the ability as well as the other vampires (strong, fast, when exposed to direct sun shining and the body at any given moment can change the color of his eyes) besides Edward also has a talent to be able to read people's minds lain.tapi he could not read minds bella . At first, Edward tried to stay away from Bella because Edward always feel tempted if the smell of Bella's blood. However, over time, Edward finally able to overcome these problems and then they fell in love with each other, which makes the school to talk about them. At one point, Bella Cullen family are invited to look at playing baseball. Unexpectedly, suddenly there came a group of nomadic vampires who consist of James (vampire with a flair track), Victoria (the vampire with the instinct to flee incredible great and is a partner of James), and Laurent. I met with Bella, James has begun to Bella's blood. All family members unite to save Bella Cullen. Bella escaped to Phoenix, Arizona with Alice (the vampire with a talent to see the future) and Jasper (the vampire with a flair and control the feelings surrounding a pair of Alice). When fled to Phoenix, Bella was framed by James. Fortunately, Edward and his family soon realizes the loss of Bella and immediately went to go save Bella. Edward arrived just in time and managed to save Bella, after which they immediately return to Forks and attend school prom be held by them.
New Moon
Edward and his family leave Forks because Edward believes that they can put Bella in bahaya.Edward gave the reason that he does not love Bella anymore and hope that she forgot her love for Edward. Bella falls into a deep depression, until he finally found a new friend who is a werewolf, Jacob Black. Werewolf Jacob and others of his tribe must protect Bella from Victoria, a vampire who seeks revenge by the death of his partner, James, with trying to kill Bella, Edward Cullen are couples who have killed their partners. Due to a misunderstanding, Edward thought Bella had died from suicide (Bella jumping off a cliff for pleasure). Edward decided to follow Bella (Edward once said that he could not live if bella does not exist) with the request that he be killed by family Voltury which is the judge in the vampire world, but he is stopped by Bella and Alice who followed Edward to Voltera, Italy. They were forced to face the clan voltury (Aro, Marcus, Caius), Voltury upset because Bella knew too much about the life of a vampire while she herself is a very tempting food for the vampires. Thanks to the talent Alice sees that Bella will become like them in the future, they could be released. But Voltury will immediately check the existence of Bella as a vampire, if not the whole Cullen family was threatened dihukum.Bella (which since going out with Edward hoping transformed into a vampire) was menyanggupinya by voting for approval of the Cullen family (who have returned to Forks).
Victoria, a vampire who grudge against Bella was roaming the Forks to find loopholes to kill Bella. He was an army of "a new vampire" to help him battle the Cullen family and kill Bella. Meanwhile, Bella must choose between her relationship with Edward and her friendship with Jacob (because it turns out well in bella jacob love). The Cullens and the werewolves Jacob was forced to work together to destroy the vampires of new artificial victoria.Sehingga they successfully destroy Victoria and pasukkannya. Jacob was angry to know that Bella's choice to decide to vampir.Dia trying to convince bella that Bella loved it too although not as much as his edward.namun bella him realize that bella will not be able to live without edward side. reluctantly he finally gave up with Bella and Edward's relationship for a while he went away from his bella.
Breaking Dawn
Bella and Edward get married, but their honeymoon is cut short by Bella knew that she was pregnant. Her pregnancy went very quickly and make Bella becomes weak. He nearly died when her daughter gave birth to a half human and half vampire, Renesmee (taken from the name of Renee and Esme), but Edward injects venom directly into the heart so that Bella turned into a vampire. Irina, a vampire from the Denali clan accidentally see Renesmee and Jacob when he was in Forks. Then he thought Renesmee as an "immortal child" - children created by vampires. (In the world of vampires, vampire creation of children is prohibited in order to maintain their confidentiality). Irina then report the matter directly to the Klan Volturi. Feel anxious, even Cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that is not "immortal child". Thanks to the appeal that makes all the vampires Renesmee captivated and supported by its ability to show all that he experienced just by touching, then they (the witnesses) were understood and would support the Cullen family. In addition, some of them are willing to fight in the Cullen if necessary. Alice that go along with Jasper went back in time to start attacking the Volturi Clan Cullen family and witnesses. He brings a kind of living proof of the existence of vampires Renesmee. At the same time, the strength as a shield Bella Cullen is a helper group for fending off any attacks launched by Jane and Alec. With living proof that the Cullen family was released and peaceful life for ever.
In this novel point of view had to switch to Jacob's point of view, which tells how the life of Jacob when Bella accompany the dying and how he's eager to kill Renesmee think Jacob has been killed Bella, but eventually even Jacob loves Renesmee and protect it fiercely.
Edward and his family leave Forks because Edward believes that they can put Bella in bahaya.Edward gave the reason that he does not love Bella anymore and hope that she forgot her love for Edward. Bella falls into a deep depression, until he finally found a new friend who is a werewolf, Jacob Black. Werewolf Jacob and others of his tribe must protect Bella from Victoria, a vampire who seeks revenge by the death of his partner, James, with trying to kill Bella, Edward Cullen are couples who have killed their partners. Due to a misunderstanding, Edward thought Bella had died from suicide (Bella jumping off a cliff for pleasure). Edward decided to follow Bella (Edward once said that he could not live if bella does not exist) with the request that he be killed by family Voltury which is the judge in the vampire world, but he is stopped by Bella and Alice who followed Edward to Voltera, Italy. They were forced to face the clan voltury (Aro, Marcus, Caius), Voltury upset because Bella knew too much about the life of a vampire while she herself is a very tempting food for the vampires. Thanks to the talent Alice sees that Bella will become like them in the future, they could be released. But Voltury will immediately check the existence of Bella as a vampire, if not the whole Cullen family was threatened dihukum.Bella (which since going out with Edward hoping transformed into a vampire) was menyanggupinya by voting for approval of the Cullen family (who have returned to Forks).
Victoria, a vampire who grudge against Bella was roaming the Forks to find loopholes to kill Bella. He was an army of "a new vampire" to help him battle the Cullen family and kill Bella. Meanwhile, Bella must choose between her relationship with Edward and her friendship with Jacob (because it turns out well in bella jacob love). The Cullens and the werewolves Jacob was forced to work together to destroy the vampires of new artificial victoria.Sehingga they successfully destroy Victoria and pasukkannya. Jacob was angry to know that Bella's choice to decide to vampir.Dia trying to convince bella that Bella loved it too although not as much as his edward.namun bella him realize that bella will not be able to live without edward side. reluctantly he finally gave up with Bella and Edward's relationship for a while he went away from his bella.
Breaking Dawn
Bella and Edward get married, but their honeymoon is cut short by Bella knew that she was pregnant. Her pregnancy went very quickly and make Bella becomes weak. He nearly died when her daughter gave birth to a half human and half vampire, Renesmee (taken from the name of Renee and Esme), but Edward injects venom directly into the heart so that Bella turned into a vampire. Irina, a vampire from the Denali clan accidentally see Renesmee and Jacob when he was in Forks. Then he thought Renesmee as an "immortal child" - children created by vampires. (In the world of vampires, vampire creation of children is prohibited in order to maintain their confidentiality). Irina then report the matter directly to the Klan Volturi. Feel anxious, even Cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that is not "immortal child". Thanks to the appeal that makes all the vampires Renesmee captivated and supported by its ability to show all that he experienced just by touching, then they (the witnesses) were understood and would support the Cullen family. In addition, some of them are willing to fight in the Cullen if necessary. Alice that go along with Jasper went back in time to start attacking the Volturi Clan Cullen family and witnesses. He brings a kind of living proof of the existence of vampires Renesmee. At the same time, the strength as a shield Bella Cullen is a helper group for fending off any attacks launched by Jane and Alec. With living proof that the Cullen family was released and peaceful life for ever.
In this novel point of view had to switch to Jacob's point of view, which tells how the life of Jacob when Bella accompany the dying and how he's eager to kill Renesmee think Jacob has been killed Bella, but eventually even Jacob loves Renesmee and protect it fiercely.
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